A still, small voice

In 1 Kings 19: 11-13, Elijah sought God’s presence in the midst of a powerful wind, followed by an earthquake and then a fire. But God wasn’t in any of those. Instead, Elijah encountered God in ‘a still, small voice’. This image of quiet communication—the kind you have to be listening for—deeply resonates with me.

In my writing, I’ve experienced the inspiration not of grand gestures, but of small, quiet things. I’ve found that my most profound moments of inspiration often come in stillness, and with the presence of God. These moments, often overlooked, have become my most powerful sources of creativity.

This is a space for the quiet. For the moments that speak more softly but also more deeply. It’s where I invite you to pause with me, to listen for the subtle stirrings of creativity and inspiration that often get lost in the noise of daily life.